Costume de Cerdagne, lithographie de Harding, 1830.

Harding, Catalan de la vallée de Carol, 1830.

Harding, Catalan de la vallée de Carol, 1830.

« To be published by subscription, in royal quarto, the Costumes of the French Pyrenees : consisting of Thirty Drawings of the Male and Female Peasantry of the Pyrenean Valleys, with a characteristic Background. Copied from the Sketches of J. Johnson, Esq.r; drawn on Stone by J. D. Harding; coloured, and accompanied by a Letter-press Description. The work will be published in six parts, each containing five plates. Price of each part : twelve shillings. »

Ce contenu a été publié dans Costumes - Modes - Bijoux, Restauration. Vous pouvez le mettre en favoris avec ce permalien.

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