Suite aux précédentes rencontres de Koblenz, Vilnius, Perpignan et Debrecen, la dernière rencontre s’est déroulée à Turnov en République Tchèque. Les partenaires de l’école d’arts appliqués et le Musée ont donc accueillis les homologues Tchèques, allemands, Lituaniens et français durant trois jours afin d’achever les sessions de travaux. Il y a eu aussi des visites sur site. Jeudi 15 mai 2013 Accueil des participants à l’école d’enseignement artisanal de Turnov. … Continuer la lecture
Leonardo – Project “Development of int. Training contents for gold forging handcraft in the field of restoration” Meeting 24. and 25. May 2012 in Vilnius/Lithuania Location/Ort: Church Heritage Museum, Šv. Mykolo st. 9, Vilnius Thursday/ Donnerstag 24.05.2012 09.00 h Welcoming/ Begrüßung/ at The Church Heritage Museum (Vilnius St. Michael the Archangel Church, Šv. Mykolo st. 9, Vilnius; www.bpmuziejus.lt) 09.30 – 12.30 h Working program/ Arbeitsprogramm/ 12.30 – 13.30 h Lunch/ … Continuer la lecture
Introduction Today’s Perpignan Garnet Jewelry uses the same process of manufacturing that was practiced in Europe in the 17th and 18th century. During that period the stones available were very small and required “paillon” or stained silver foil to optimize the color. The design of jewels and the tools needed for their manufacture, for the most part, have remained the same for two centuries. Technical progress has not been a … Continuer la lecture