Look at the large number of sets of sleeves …in the house of Antoinette Tabariès de Grandsaignes in the center of Perpignan in 1763. “… A large cabinet in walnut with its lock and key are locked in which the clothes and effects of the said lady Grandsaignes Mars, and having been open, we found that: A gown of satin with green lining Holland, trim and fit, satin dress with … Continuer la lecture
Chanson roussillonnaise : La Sarineta (catalan avec graphie roussillonnaise du milieu du XIXe s., comprenant de nombreux gallicismes) Si en el bon temps comensi, De ne dictar una canso, Vull né agir amb prudencia, Y ab tota reflexio, De la vida de las ninyas, Vas un poc m’en ocupar, Notament de las fadrinas, Veig que pro feina y ha. Estas volen ser grisetas, Com las Nymphas del Rossello, Per se tenir … Continuer la lecture